Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This qoute is from the Kony 2012 video that has become viral in just 24 hours. After watching the video, I knew this was something more important to blog about rather than sharing with everyone my most recent endeavor since yesterday.

Kony 2012 is a campaign that was designed to spread the word to not only the United States, but to the world, about who Joseph Kony is.

Joseph Kony is one of the world's worst war criminals. He abducts children and uses the girls as sex slaves and the boys as child soldiers. He makes them mutilate people's faces and even forces them to kill their own parents.

For 26 years, Kony has been kidnapping over 30,000 children into this rebel group.

It was obvious that the children of Uganda needed outside help. But the only way they could get the help was if Joseph Kony was stopped. The only way Kony can be stopped, is if other military forces with the necessary technology and warcraft agree to come to Uganda and search for Joseph Kony.

A community was built around the idea that WHERE you live, shouldn't determine WHETHER you live.

This community started to spread the word and form a group called TRI to help improve the lives and the safety of these children. They spent their own money (of what little they had) to help build new schools and an early warning monitor to help keep them safe from the Rebels. All of this, however, doesn't improve the level of fear that these children have.

The lives of these children won't improve until Kony is stopped. TRI won't stop until Kony is stopped. TRI are the ones making a difference and fighting the war on war... all by just by delivering their voice.

                                      We can help by delivering our voice.

The lives of these children don't have the time to wait for organizations, corporations or governments to decide whether or not they can help. So this campaign is designed to get the people involved to show to the U.S. Government, that WE the people, care enough to help children all around the world.

Obama was the only President who saw how much this group of people wanted to help these kids in need, and agreed to send U.S. Military to Ugana to stop Kony.

Kony, however, heard about the U.S. Military's plot to capture him, and has made himself invisible. If the U.S. Military cannot find Kony, their mission to capture him will expire. It is our job now to spread the word of this situation to show to the U.S. Government that they cannot pull out of this mission. That we care enough for these children's lives. That we must continue to search for Kony until he is stopped.

Jo(W)anna know what? We need to make Kony visible. If the world knows who Joseph Kony is, it will unite to stop him.

And it starts here: Kony 2012 <-- (Click on that. You won't regret it)

The better world that we hope, dream and pray for can become a reality, but it has to begin with you.

Do something great in our lifetime. Start by making a difference.

It doesn't matter if people knew about this issue, or are just now finding out about it. All that matters is that the word is spreading. #Kony2012

(Images and facts come from the video provided in this blog)

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