Monday, March 19, 2012


Yep... Today is the kind of Monday where you need every last drop of caffeine you can get.

Today has been a crazy day so I didn't (and don't) have much time to write.

This morning, when I logged on to my computer, I went about my regular routine:
1. Check my email.
2. Respond to emails or get done anything immediate I need to get done.
3. Read my blogs that I am subscribed to.

And then work just got crazy! We had a staff meeting that lasted about 2 hours and then we are having a press conference here tomorrow, so I have been busy setting up for that.

My friend, Carrie Stevenson, has a fun and interesting blog that I love to follow.

Her blog is called, Keep Calm and Carrie On... (very clever, Carrie) and if you enjoy reading unique and interesting blogs, you should definitely check hers out!

Well look at that Carrie, I think you just found yourself your very own personal PR person!
::cough cough:: I work at $50 an hour just so you know ::cough cough:: ;-)

So today, since I am on quite a time constraint, I am going to sort of roll off of what she blogged about today, and do a 'silly survey' just like she did!

                                  No, I'm not copying!!! It just looked like fun!

Not only is this survey quick and easy, but I actually enjoyed reading her answers!
So I thought it would be a fun thing for me to do myself!

And although I'm sure your curiosity of what my weekend consisted of is flying off the charts... I'm sure you could probably figure it out (from previous blog posts of mine) exactly what I did on St. Patty's Day and what my weekend really consisted of!

So I'll spare you from that boredom...
So anyways, yes, survey. here we go!

Four jobs that you have had:
Employee at Quizno's... if you knew me when I had that job, you all know that didn't last long.
Retail employee at Stride Ride Outlet at Aurora Farms!
Student Supervisor at the Perry Field House at BGSU.
Communications Director (my current job) for a non-profit in Toledo, OH!

Four things you wanted to be when you grew up:
Singer (until my dad told me I should have saved my allowance for singing lessons)
Physical Therapist
Event Planner

Four movies you could watch over and over:
October Sky
Super Troopers
Gran Torino

Four cities you have lived in:
Roanoke, VA
Tulsa, OK
Hudson, OH
Bowling Green, OH

Four TV shows you love to watch:
Modern Family
New Girl
Family Guy
Four Places you've been on vacation:
Fripp Island
Myrtle Beach
Salt Lake City

Four Websites you visit daily:
Recently... The Knot

Four of your favorite foods:
Really? I can only pick four? :-(
Hot Dogs
French Fries
Fruit (Needed to throw something healthy in there...)

Four foods you can't stand:
Sour Cream
Lemon Flavored Sweets

Four schools you've attended:
Jenks Elementary School
Hudson Middle School
Hudson High School
Bowling Green State University

Four places you'd rather be right now:
Fripp Island

There! All done!

So Jo(W)anna know what? I hope you walk away from this blog post excited and thrilled that you now know useless information about me! To show my appreciation that you made it till the end, I am giving away these t-shirts...
                                          No just kidding, I'm not really... sorry.

But thanks for listening! I hope that all you bloggers out there might consider filling one out too! Every once in a while, it's nice to not have to really think about what to write! :-)

Happy Monday!

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