Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1 Month till Marriage Life!

1 MONTH TO GO!!!!!

But who's counting?

High five....
...I am.

I honestly can't believe it was 10 months ago when Tony proposed. Gee wiz a year really does fly by and boy I am ready for this last month to fly by too. 

Typically, I am very sappy about love and weddings and stuff, but here's what's up. We have a very serious problem in Facebook's recent world. Although I LOVE Tony (and like to share the fact that I do), and although it is quite obvious that I LOVE social media... a marriage and honeymoon are meant to be shared with your loved ones first and your creepers, er, acquaintances, second. Yes, I admit, I am a creeper too, BUT, in this case, everyone that I want to see my eventful wedding, will be there to see it!

Sooooo, I am going to make a promise to you right meow. I solemnly swear, pinky promise, cross my heart, stick needles in my eyes, and whatever else, that I will not:

1. Post a Facebook status referring to Tony as "Hubby", "The Hubs" or "Hubster" immediately after marriage. Example: "Sitting at the airport with the Hubby!!! <3 <3 <3"

Like, no. 

2. Change my relationship status the day after I get married. I've got more important things to do, if ya know what I mean.... 

3. "Check in" on Facebook during my honeymoon. Example: "Joanna just checked in at the "beach" in Sanibel Island - with Tony"

I didn't marry Facebook sooooo ummm... 
...not gonna spend time with it.

So what about after the honeymoon and back to reality? Will I log on to facebook, create a facebook status on how amazing everything was and post pictures??????

But Jo(W)anna know what? All I'm sayin is no matter how addicting social media is, whatever it is you want to share with the world can wait when it comes to your wedding and honeymoon. Take the time to give your undivided attention to your spouse with no interruptions. Replace the phone in your hand with a nice cold beverage and enjoy the beginning of married life.

No but seriously. 

If at all you catch myself doing ANY of these things for the week and a half after my wedding... screen shot it and publicly scold me. I will punish myself by watching Honey Boo Boo for a whole month.

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